6 Año Inglés


1 C. Contestar las preguntas, son personales.


Activity 2 C. Contestar las preguntas segun lo que dice el texto.


Activity 3. Buscar palabras en el texto, en el parrafo indicado que tengan la definicion explicada en la actividad 3.

1 2
3 4
5 6

I A Work in pairs and discuss. How important is 'green living' to you?
B Look at the sentences below and try to explain the meaning of the words/phrases in bold. Then use a dictionary to check.
1 How much of the food you buy is pre-prepared or processed? How much is organic?
2 How much of the food you eat is produced in the country you live in?
3 How is your home heated? Do you use energy-saving light bulbs?
4 Is your house insulated and/or double-glazed?
5 Do you turn lights/machines off or leave them on standby?
6 When you're buying a product, do you consider how to recycle the packaging?
7 How often do you buy, sell or give away secondhand items?
8 How much of your rubbish is recycled?
9 How many hours a year, on average, do you spend flying? 10 How often do you use a car?
C Answer questions 1—10 above.
D Work in pairs and compare your answers.
2 A Justin Rowlatt, a BBC journalist, decided to try living a greener lifestyle for a year. What changes do you think he made?
B Read the article to find out.
C Work in pairs and answer the questions below.
I Why did Justin decide to try living ethically for a year?
2 Did he and his family enjoy the experience?
3 What kinds of things did they try to change?
4 Why is Justin travelling to America?
5 How does he plan to travel?
6 What sorts of solutions is he looking for?
D Discuss. Do you think the 'Ethical Man' experiment is a good idea? Why?/Why not? How do you think society could reduce carbon emissions?
3 Read the article again. Underline words/phrases in the text that match meanings 1-6.
I the amount of damage we do (by our actions) to the air, water and land on Earth (paragraph 2)
2 threw away or destroyed (paragraph 2)
3 terrible - like a bad dream (paragraph 2)
4 period of very hot weather (paragraph 2)
5 the effects of trying very hard (paragraph 3)
6 to follow something or someone (paragraph 6)
116 O weak forms: auxiliary verbs
O the environment; word building: prefixes

My name's Juston Rowlatt and I'm the BBC's Ethical Man.
My family and I spent a year dcn•. everything we could to try to redut* our impact on the environment. We changed the light bulbs in out house to energy-saving bulbs. We changed the way we heat and power our home. We stopped flying and we got rid of the car. Instead we walked, used bicycles or took public transport. We did our supermarket shopping online. ate organic vegetables and I even stopped eating meat (for a month My heavily pregnant wife, Bee, walked two miles to hospital in the middle of the night, to give birth our third daughter, Elsa. When we went on holiday to France, insteac of choosing a two-hour flight, we went on a nightmarish twelve-ho: journey on the train, in a heatwavs
I had hoped our efforts would demonstrate how normal families could help to reduce their impact on the environment. But despite our best efforts, we only reduced our greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent. Clearly the efforts of ethical men and women acting alone are not the answer. So what

10.1 ) ETHICAL MAN O reported speech

I've had a new idea. And now I'm travelling across America in search of some solutions. Each American is responsible for twenty tons of carbon dioxide emissions, more than twice that of the average European.
uce The idea of the trip is simple.
I think if we can solve it here we can solve it anywhere. But, as Ethical Man, I have to keep my environmental impact to a minimum. Of course I'm going to fly from Britain, but after that my challenge is to get around in the most low carbon way possible. I'll be travelling 6,500 miles, so it's not going to be easy, but I will use public transport wherever possible. During my trip, I'll talk to ordinary people, businessmen and politicians to hear to
their views on climate change and discuss ways in which we can try d
to reduce carbon emissions. And I'll
drive an electric car. ur a You can track my progress on the map and watch our video reports along the way. Please give me advice: I want your thoughts on what we need to do as societies to make the cuts in emissions that are needed. Do you have an idea for a solution to climate change? Are you inventing the solution in your garage? If you are, please let me know.
4 A Complete the table to show how tenses change in reported speech.
direct speech reported speech
across America . He said he was travelling across America .
use public transport He said he would use public
wherever possible.' transport wherever possible.
'My heavily pregnant wife, Bee, He said he that his wife had walked
two miles to hospital.' to hospital.
'l think if we can solve it He said he if they could
here . solve it there .
a new idea.' He said he'd had a new idea.
hoped our efforts He said he had hoped their efforts
would demonstrate . would demonstrate
'Do you have an idea He asked if anyone an idea .
'Each American 8 He said each American is responsible
responsible for twenty tons of for twenty tons of carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide emissions' em Iss•ons.
B Check your answers using the article in Exercise 2B.
C Look at the table again. Match each sentence to one of the rules.
I When we report speech, we often move the tenses back r (backshift), e.g. present simple —o past simple, present continuous —i past continuous, present perfect —o past perfect, will -+ would.
2 If what the person says is still true, we can keep the tenses the same, e.g. 'It's the 16th.' —i She said it's the 16th. 3 In reported speech, we may also need to change pronouns and time references, e.g. 'I'll see you tQ.mQLQW.' -o He said he would see her the-next-day.
4 In reported questions, the word order is the same as that for statements.
S A Complete the sentences by adding one word.
I We changed the light bulbs in our house. [Justin]
He said they had changed the light bulbs in their house. 2 I have a new idea. [Justin to his wife]
He said he a new idea.
3 We're going to live a more ethical lifestyle. [Justin to Bee]
They said that were going to live a more ethical lifestyle.
4 I'm going to take a taxi to hospital. [Bee to Justin]
She said she going to take a taxi to hospital.
5 We're hot. [children to parents]
The children said were hot.
6 We've achieved a lot. [Justin and Bee] They said they achieved a lot.
7 I didn't eat meat for a month. [Justin)
Justin said he eaten meat for a month.
8 I had expected the car to be slower. [Justin]
He said he expected the car to be slower

B 10.1 WEAK FORMS: auxiliary verbs Listen to check your answers. Notice how have/had/was/were are weak forms or contractions. Listen again and shadow the sentences.


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