2 B Inglés

Pachamama: Time to read

Tiempo para leer, Lee el texto y busca las palabras que no conozcas.
Podes mirar el video para una mayor comprensión. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64DPJc5Z41Q  Asi lo buscas en Youtube
Festejo particular de la Pachamama - [Dos Yanquis Sueltos En Argentina] - Ep. 05 [English Subtitles]

The Pachamama is the highest divinity of the Andean people since she is concerned with fertility, plenty, the feminine, generosity and ripening crops, besides providing protection.
The name Pachamama is translated into English as Mother Earth since pacha is a word in both Quechua and Aymara that means earth, cosmos, universe, time, space, etc. in English and mama means "mother."
The concept of Pachamama is  related to agricultural wealth .  It is very common for the Pachamama to receive the first serving of beer at their social gatherings since believers pour a few drops on the ground before they take their first sip. This is a way to thank and feed the Pachamama.


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